Sasha Abramsky
American Furies
Hard Time Blues
ArticlesA partial list of articles by Sasha Abramsky

The Nation:
"Blue-ing the West," January 22, 2007
"The Other Rocky," January 1, 2007
"Running on Fumes," October 17, 2005
"Terror on the Inner Border," September 26, 2005
"Democrat Killer?," April 18, 2005
"Incarceration, Inc.," July 19, 2004
"The Drug War Goes Up in Smoke," August 18, 2003
The American Prospect:
A list of American Prospect articles by Sasha Abramsky
"Hard Time Kids," August 27, 2001
"Did Roe v. Wade Abort Crime? And Why Hardly Anybody Wants to Talk About It," January 1, 2001-January 15, 2001
The Atlantic Monthly
"When They Get Out," June 1999
The Guardian (UK)
Comment is Free columns
The Sacramento News & Review
Articles by Sasha Abramsky in the News & Review
Mother Jones
"Just Try Voting Here: 11 of America's Worst Places to Cast a Ballot (or Try)," September/October 2006
"Nevada Conservatives Against the War on Drugs," August 11, 2006
"Breeding Violence," July 10, 2001
"Trial By Torture," March 3, 2000
Human Rights Watch report:
"Ill-Equipped: U.S. Prisons and Offenders with Mental Illness," 2003
Chronicle of Higher Education
"Defining the Indefinable West" (subscription required to access full article)
City Limits
"Return Address," June, 2004
"New Lords of Flatbush," February, 1997
"Fort Jiggetts, The Bronx," April, 1998
New York Magazine
"Citizen's Arrest," January 5, 1998
"Manhattan: The Suburb," January 5, 1999 Toward Freedom "Slouching Toward Barbarism," November 1998 Contact: For technical problems or questions, please contact: |